Item Description Upcharge
Support 12 additional products in SHOP, including UX enabling flexible choice of flavors, sizes, types and pricing $1,000.00
Taxjar change to WooCommerce tax plug in, including research, testing/validation and integration $150.00
Addition of trial product, including NEW pre- and post-trial survey forms and associated mailchimp integration, testing and database validation $500.00
Custom software to support application of trial coupon code with numerous special conditions (one per household, good for both human and K9 trial product pairs) $750.00
Addition of new content to science page, including reformatting page and addition of customer filters to facilitate search $350.00
Shipstation (3rd party shipping platform used by fulfillment service) integration, testing, including requirements review with Casco Bay Hemp staff $125.00
Create and maintain “staging” site to enable on-going development of new features and capabilities. This is NOT a standard feature supported by woocommerce. $500.00
Secondary “on page navigation” bar $250.00
Age verification required to enter site $125.00
Site-wide design changes, including addition of new images, changes to typography styles, site-wide text change to NaprevaPLUS, addition of new pages to support added content $500.00
Additional testing to ensure seamless mobile, handheld and desktop/mobile platform support. $500
Add “my account” secure log-in and customer account capability. $350